
What Is True Of Viols

Bowed, fretted and stringed instrument

String instrument
Other names Viola da gamba
Hornbostel–Sachs classification 321.322-71
(Composite chordophone sounded past a bow)
Developed Late 15th century from the vihuela
Related instruments
  • Arpeggione
  • Bass guitar
  • Byzantine lyra
  • Guitar
  • Lute
  • Vihuela
  • Violone
Sound sample

The viol (),[1] viola da gamba [a] (Italian: [ˈvjɔːla da (ɡ)ˈɡamba]), or informally gamba, is any 1 of a family unit of bowed, fretted, and stringed instruments with hollow wooden bodies and pegboxes where the tension on the strings tin can exist increased or decreased to suit the pitch of each of the strings. Frets on the viol are usually made of gut, tied on the fingerboard around the instrument's cervix, to enable the performer to stop the strings more cleanly. Frets better consistency of intonation and lend the stopped notes a tone that better matches the open strings. Viols first appeared in Spain in the mid-to-tardily 15th century, and were about popular in the Renaissance[2] and Baroque (1600–1750) periods.[3] Early ancestors include the Arabic rebab and the medieval European vielle,[four] [5] but later, more than direct possible ancestors include the Venetian viole [6] and the 15th- and 16th-century Spanish vihuela, a 6-course plucked instrument tuned similar a lute (and also like a present-day viol)[4] [5] that looked like but was quite singled-out from (at that time) the iv-form guitar[7] (an earlier chordophone).[eight]

Although bass viols superficially resemble cellos, viols are unlike in numerous respects from instruments of the violin family unit: the viol family has apartment rather than curved backs, sloped rather than rounded shoulders, c holes rather than f holes, and five to 7 rather than 4 strings; some of the many additional differences are tuning strategy (in fourths with a third in the middle—similar to a lute—rather than in fifths), the presence of frets, and underhand ("German language") rather than overhand ("French") bow grip.[9]

All members of the viol family unit are played upright (different the violin or the viola, which is held nether the chin). All viol instruments are held betwixt the legs like a modernistic cello, hence the Italian name viola da gamba (information technology. "viol for the leg") was sometimes applied to the instruments of this family unit. This distinguishes the viol from the mod violin family, the viola da braccio (it. "viol for the arm"). A thespian of the viol is usually known as a gambist, violist , or violist da gamba. "Violist" shares the spelling, but not the pronunciation, of the discussion commonly used since the mid-20th century to refer to a histrion of the viola. It can therefore confuse if used in print where context does not indicate that a viol histrion is meant, though it is entirely unproblematic, and common, in speech.

History [edit]

Spanish instruments from before the proper noun viol or vihuela were coined, played with a bow. From Commentary on the Apocalypse, Codice VITR fourteen.ane, "2d third of 10th century".[10]

Item from a painting by Jan Verkolje, Dutch, c. 1674, Elegant Couple (A Musical Interlude). The theme is like to the classic Music Lesson genre, and features a bass viol, virginal, and cittern (in the adult female'southward hand, out of frame in this detail; encounter full image). This image highlights the domestic amateur course of viol players.

Vihuelists began playing their flat-edged instruments with a bow in the second half of the 15th century. Within two or iii decades, this led to the evolution of an entirely new and defended bowed cord instrument that retained many of the features of the originally plucked vihuela: a flat back, abrupt waist-cuts, frets, thin ribs (initially), and an identical tuning—hence its original name, vihuela de arco; arco is Spanish for "bow". An influence on the playing posture has been credited to the example of Moorish rabab players.[5]

Stefano Pio argues that a re-examination of documents in the light of newly collected data indicates an origin dissimilar from the vihuela de arco from Aragon. According to Pio, the viol (viola da gamba) had its origins and evolved independently in Venice.[half dozen] Pio asserts that it is implausible that the vihuela de arco (which possibly arrived in Rome and Naples after 1483–1487, since Johannes Tinctoris does non mention it earlier this time) underwent such a rapid development by Italian instrument makers – not Venetian (circumstances specifically excluded by Lorenzo da Pavia), nor Mantuan or Ferrarese (as evidenced by Isabella and Alfonso I d'Este's orders from luthiers from other cities) – and so that a ten-year span brought the nascency and diffusion in Italy of a new family of instruments (viola da gamba or viols). These comprised instruments of different sizes, some as large every bit the famous violoni equally 'big equally a man' mentioned by Prospero Bernardino in 1493.

Pio also notes that both in the manuscript of the early 15th-century music theorist Antonius de Leno and the treatises of the Venetian Silvestro Ganassi dal Fontego and Giovanni Maria Lanfranco [de], the fifth string of the viola da gamba is uniquely chosen a bordone (drone), although it is not a drone and is played the aforementioned as the other strings. Pio argues that this inconsistency is justifiable simply assuming the invention, during the last office of the fifteenth century, of a larger instrument derived from the medieval violetta, to which was gradually added other strings to allow a greater extension to the low annals that resulted from its increased size. The fifth string, already present in some specimens of these violette as a drone (bordone), was incorporated into the cervix when they were expanded in size. This was so surpassed by a 6th string, named basso, which fixed the lower audio produced by the instrument. In Pio's view, the origin of the viola da gamba is tied to the development of the smaller medieval violetta or vielle, which was originally fitted with a fifth string drone, where the proper name remained unchanged even though it ceased to perform this function.[ citation needed ] [11]

Ian Woodfield, in his The Early History of the Viol, points to evidence that the viol does offset with the vihuela but that Italian makers of the instrument immediately began to employ their own highly developed instrument-making traditions to the early on version of the instrument when it was introduced into Italia.[5]

Initially, the family of viole ("viols") shared common characteristics simply differed in the fashion they were played. The increase in the dimensions of the "viola" determined the birth of the viol and the definitive change in the manner the instrument was held, equally musicians constitute it easier to play it vertically. The kickoff consort of viols formed by 4 players was documented at the end of the fifteenth century in the courts of Mantua and Ferrara, but was as well nowadays in popular Venetian music ambience, noted at the Scuola Grande di San Marco, 1499; Venetian culture remained independent of Castilian influence and consequently unfamiliar with the instruments of those lands, such as the bowed vihuela de arco.[ dubious ] [ citation needed ] Groups of viol players, mostly chosen violoni, was established in the Venetian Scuole Grandi around 1530–twoscore, only the highly traditional environs of these institutions suggests that these groups would have already been active in the general urban context during the previous two decades (1510–1520).[ citation needed ] Some of these players were known to have travelled to distant lands, including Vienna, the Duchy of Bavaria or the Kingdom of England where they were welcomed at the court of the Tudors and later influenced England's local musical instrument production.

Structure [edit]

Woman playing viol

Late 16th or early 17th-century viol from a Japanese painting. Has four courses of strings.

Dutch viol in Persia

Painting by Reza Abbasi c. 1634, showing a musician dressed in European clothing, playing what may exist a viol. The instrument has Western farsi-mode soundholes and a thinner cervix than the instrument in the Japanese painting.

In places where European ships landed in the xvi and 17th centuries, painters illustrated them playing musical instruments.

Viols most commonly have half-dozen strings, although many 16th-century instruments had merely four or five strings. Viols were (and are) strung with gut strings of lower tension than on the members of the violin family.[ citation needed ] Gut strings produce a sonority far dissimilar from steel, generally described equally softer and sweeter. Around 1660, gut or silk core strings overspun with copper wire first became available; these were then used for the lowest-pitched bass strings on viols, and many other string instruments as well.

Viols are fretted like early on guitars or lutes, using movable wrapped-effectually and tied-on gut frets. A depression seventh string was supposedly added in France to the bass viol by Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe (c. 1640–1690), whose students included the French gamba virtuoso and composer Marin Marais. Besides, the painting Saint Cecilia with an Angel (1618) past Domenichino (1581–1641) shows what may exist a seven-string viol.

Different members of the violin family, which are tuned in fifths, viols are usually tuned in fourths with a major third in the middle, mirroring the tuning employed on the vihuela de mano and lute during the 16th century and similar to that of the mod half-dozen-string guitar.

Early Italian tenor viola da gamba, particular from the painting St. Cecilia, by Raphael, c. 1510.

Viols were first constructed much like the vihuela de mano, with all surfaces, top, dorsum, and sides made from apartment slabs or pieces of joined wood, aptitude or curved equally required. However, some viols, both early and later, had carved tops, similar to those more than unremarkably associated with instruments of the violin family unit. The ribs or sides of early viols were usually quite shallow, reflecting more than the construction of their plucked vihuela counterparts. Rib depth increased during the 16th century, finally coming to resemble the greater depth of the classic 17th-century design.

The flat backs of most viols accept a sharply angled break or canted bend in their surface close to where the neck meets the torso. This serves to taper the dorsum (and overall body depth) at its upper end to meet the back of the neck joint flush with its heel. Traditional structure uses animal glue, and internal joints are oft reinforced with strips of either linen or vellum soaked in hot animate being glue—a practice likewise employed in early plucked vihuela construction. The peg boxes of viols (which concur the tuning pegs) were typically decorated either with elaborately carved heads of animals or people or with the now-familiar spiral curlicue finial.

The primeval vihuelas and viols, both plucked and bowed, all had sharp cuts to their waists, similar to the contour of a modern violin. This is a key and new feature—commencement appearing in the mid-15th century—and from then on, information technology was employed on many different types of string instruments. This characteristic is too cardinal in seeing and agreement the connection between the plucked and bowed versions of early vihuelas. If one were to get searching for very early viols with polish-curved figure-eight bodies, like those found on the only slightly afterward plucked vihuelas and the modernistic guitar, they would be out of luck. By the mid-16th century, however, "guitar-shaped" viols were fairly common, and a few of them survive.

The earliest viols had flat, glued-down bridges merely like their plucked counterpart vihuelas. Shortly after, nevertheless, viols adopted the wider and high-biconvex bridge that facilitated the bowing of single strings. The earliest of viols would also have had the ends of their fretboards apartment on the deck, level with or resting upon the peak or soundboard. In one case the terminate of their fretboards was elevated above the top of the instrument'south face, the entire top could vibrate freely. Early on viols did not have audio posts, either (again reflecting their plucked vihuela siblings). This reduced damping over again meant that their tops could vibrate more freely, contributing to the characteristic "humming" audio of viols; nevertheless the absence of a sound postal service also resulted in a quieter and softer phonation overall.

It is ordinarily believed[12] that C-holes (a type and shape of pierced sound port visible on the top face up or belly of string instruments) are a definitive feature of viols, a characteristic used to distinguish viols from instruments in the violin family, which typically had F-shaped holes. This generality, yet, renders an incomplete picture. The earliest viols had either large, open, round, sound holes (or fifty-fifty circular pierced rosettes similar those constitute on lutes and vihuelas), or they had some kind of C-holes. Viols sometimes had as many as 4 pocket-sized C-holes—one placed in each corner of the bouts—but more commonly, they had ii. The 2 C-holes might exist placed in the upper bouts, centrally, or in the lower bouts. In the formative years, C-holes were most frequently placed facing each other or turned inward.

In add-on to round or C-holes, however, and as early on equally the start quarter of the 16th century, some viols adopted S-shaped holes, again facing inward. By the mid-16th century, S-holes morphed into the classic F-shaped holes, which were and then used by viols and members of the violin family alike. By the mid-to late 16th century, the viol's C-holes facing direction were reversed, condign outward-facing. That configuration then became a standard characteristic of what we today call the "classic" 17th-century pattern. Nevertheless another mode of sound holes found on some viols was a pair of flame-shaped Arabesques placed left and right. The lute- and vihuela-like round or oval ports or rosettes became a standard feature of German language and Austrian viols and were retained to the very finish. That feature was unique to viols and reminded one always of the viol's more aboriginal plucked vihuela roots, the "cuteness" of viols.

Historians, makers, and players generally distinguish betwixt renaissance and baroque viols. The latter are more than heavily synthetic and are fitted with a bass bar and sound postal service, like modernistic stringed instruments.

Viol bows [edit]

The bow is held underhand (palm up), similar to a German double bass bow grip, but away from the frog towards the balance indicate. The stick's curvature is generally convex every bit were violin bows of the period, rather than concave similar a modern violin bow. The "frog" (which holds the bow hair and adjusts its tension) is also different from that of modern bows: whereas a violin bow frog has a "slide" (often made of female parent of pearl), which pinches the pilus and holds information technology apartment and stationary beyond the frog, viol bows take an open frog that allows more movement of the hair. This facilitates a traditional playing technique where the performer uses one or two fingers of the bow hand to printing the hair abroad from the bow stick. This dynamically increases bow pilus tension to control articulation and inflection.

Different versions [edit]

Violone or great bass viol. Painting past Sir Peter Lely, c. 1640, Dutch-born English Baroque era painter. Note the Italianate shape, square shoulders, and F-holes, apart from its massive size.

Viols come in vii sizes: "pardessus de viole" (which is relatively rare, exclusively French and did not exist before the 18th century), treble (in French dessus), alto, tenor (in French taille), bass, and 2 sizes of contrabass (besides known as a violone), the smaller one tuned an octave below the tenor (violone in 1000, sometimes called smashing bass or in French grande basse) and the larger one tuned an octave below the bass (violone in D, or the contrabass viol). This latter instrument is not to exist confused with the double bass.

Their tuning (see next section) alternates Grand and D instruments: pardessus in G, treble in D, tenor in G, bass in D (the 7-string bass was a French invention, with an added low A), small violone in K, large violone in D. The alto (between the treble and the tenor) and the baritone (between the tenor and the bass) exercise not fit in this scheme. The treble has a size similar to a viola but with a deeper trunk; the typical bass is almost the size of a cello. The pardessus and the treble were held vertically in the lap. The English made smaller basses known as division viols, and the still-smaller Lyra viol. The viola bastarda was a similar type of viol used in Italian republic for a virtuosic style of viol repertoire and performance. High german consort basses were larger than the French instruments designed for continuo.

Those instruments were not all equally common. The typical Elizabethan consort of viols was equanimous of six instruments: ii basses, two tenors and two trebles, or one bass, three tenors and ii trebles (see Chest of viols). Thus the bass, tenor and treble were the cardinal members of the family as far as music written specifically for viols is concerned. Besides consort playing the bass could also be used as a solo instrument (in that location were as well smaller basses designed especially for a virtuosic solo role, run across above partition viol, lyra viol, viola bastarda). And the bass viol could also serve equally a continuo bass. The pardessus was a French 18th-century instrument that was introduced to allow ladies to play mostly violin or flute music[b] but somewhen acquired its repertoire. The alto and the baritone were relatively rare smaller and larger versions of the tenor respectively. The violones were never part of the espoused of viols simply functioned as the contrabass of all kinds of instrumental combinations.

Tuning [edit]

The standard tuning of nearly viols is in fourths, with a major third in the middle (like the standard Renaissance lute tuning), or in fourths, with a major tertiary in between the 2nd and 3rd strings. The following table shows the tunings that have been adopted at least somewhat widely during the 20th and 21st-century revival of the viols. (Lyra viol tunings are not included.)

Viol tuning
Musical instrument Strings (depression to loftier)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Harmonic Relation (low-to-high)
Pardessus (5-string)[c] Thousandiii D4 A4 D5 G5 fifth, 5th, 4th, 4th
Pardessus (six-string) One thousand3 C4 E4 A4 D5 Chiliadv quaternary, Maj3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th
Treble D3 G3 C4 East4 Aiv D5 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, fourth, fourth
Alto C3 F3 A3 D4 K4 C5 quaternary, Maj3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th
Tenor in A Aii D3 G3 Biii Eastward4 A4 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, 4th, quaternary
Tenor in G Gii Ciii F3 A3 D4 Yard4 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, fourth, 4th
Baritone F2 B 2 D3 Yard3 Cfour Fiv 4th, Maj3rd, 4th, quaternary, 4th
Bass Aone [d] D2 G2 C3 Eastward3 A3 D4 (quaternary[d]), quaternary, 4th, Maj3rd, quaternary, quaternary
Violone in A Ai D2 Thou2 Bii E3 A3 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, fourth, fourth
Violone in G G1 C2 F2 Aii D3 Gthree 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, 4th, fourth
Violone in D D1 Gi C2 Eii Atwo Dthree 4th, 4th, Maj3rd, 4th, quaternary

[c] [d]

Alternate tunings (called scordatura) were often employed, peculiarly in the solo lyra viol way of playing, which too made utilise of many techniques such as chords and pizzicato, non mostly used in consort playing. An unusual style of pizzicato was known equally a thump. Lyra viol music was besides commonly written in tablature. There is a vast repertoire of this music, some by well-known composers and much by anonymous ones.

Much viol music predates the adoption of equal temperament tuning by musicians. The movable nature of the tied-on frets permits the viol thespian to make adjustments to the tempering of the instrument, and some players and consorts prefer meantone temperaments, which are more than suited to Renaissance music. Several fretting schemes involve frets that are spaced unevenly to produce ameliorate-sounding chords in a limited number of "keys". In some of these schemes, the two strands of the gut that form the fret are separated and so that the player tin can finger a slightly sharper or flatter version of a note (for example Yard versus A ) to adapt different circumstances.

Treatises [edit]

Analogy from Sebastian Virdung's (German) 1511 treatise Musica Getutsch, showing the lute family—plucked and bowed. This is the first printed illustration of a viol in history.

Descriptions and illustrations of viols are constitute in numerous early 16th-century musical treatises, including those authored by:

  • Sebastian Virdung: Musica getutsch, 1511
  • Hans Judenkunig: Ain schone kunstliche Vunderwaisung, 1523
  • Martin Agricola: Musica instrumentalis deutsch, 1528
  • Hans Gerle: Musica Teusch (or Teutsch), 1532

Both Agricola's and Gerle's works were published in various editions.

There were and so several important treatises concerning or devoted to the viol. The first was by Silvestro Ganassi dal Fontego: Regola Rubertina & Lettione Seconda (1542/iii). Diego Ortiz published Trattado de Glosas (Rome, 1553), an important book of music for the viol with both examples of ornamentation and pieces called Recercadas. In England, Christopher Simpson wrote the almost important treatise, with the second edition being published in 1667 in parallel text (English language and Latin). This has divisions at the back that are very worthwhile repertoire. A little later, in England, Thomas Mace wrote Musick's Monument, which deals more with the lute just has an important section on the viol. Later on this, the French treatises by Machy (1685), Rousseau (1687), Danoville (1687), and Etienne Loulie (1700) show farther developments in playing technique.

Popularity [edit]

The Smithsonian Consort of Viols, a contemporary viol consort

Viols were second in popularity but to the lute (although this is disputed), and like lutes, were very often played by amateurs. Affluent homes might take a so-chosen chest of viols, which would contain 1 or more instruments of each size. Gamba ensembles, called consorts, were common in the 16th and 17th centuries, when they performed vocal music (consort songs or verse anthems) as well every bit that written specifically for instruments. Only the treble, tenor, and bass sizes were regular members of the viol consort, which consisted of three, four, 5, or six instruments. Music for consorts was very popular in England in Elizabethan times, with composers such as William Byrd and John Dowland, and, during the reign of Male monarch Charles I, John Jenkins, William Lawes and Tobias Hume. The last music for viol consorts before their modern revival was probably written in the early 1680s by Henry Purcell.

Perhaps even more mutual than the pure consort of viols was the mixed or broken consort (too called Morley espoused). Broken consorts combined a mixture of different instruments—a small ring, essentially—usually comprising a gathering of social amateurs and typically including such instruments equally a bass viol, a lute or orpharion (a wire-strung lute, metal-fretted, flat-backed, and festoon-shaped), a cittern, a treble viol (or violin, as fourth dimension progressed), sometimes an early keyboard instrument (virginal, spinet, or harpsichord), and whatever other instruments or players (or singers) might be available at the moment. The single most common and ubiquitous pairing of all was always and everywhere the lute and bass viol: for centuries, the inseparable duo.

The bass viola da gamba remained in employ into the 18th century as a solo instrument (and to complement the harpsichord in basso continuo). It was a favorite instrument of Louis XIV and acquired associations of both courtliness and "Frenchness" (in contrast to the Italianate violin). Composers such as Marc-Antoine Charpentier, François Couperin, Marin Marais, Sainte Colombe, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannes Schenck, DuBuisson, Antoine Forqueray, Charles Dollé and Carl Friedrich Abel wrote virtuoso music for it. Georg Philipp Telemann published his Twelve Fantasias for Viola da Gamba solo in 1735, when the instrument was already becoming out of way. Still, viols cruel out of use as concert halls grew larger and the louder and more penetrating tone of the violin family became more pop. In the 20th century, the viola da gamba and its repertoire were revived by early music enthusiasts, an early proponent being Arnold Dolmetsch.

The treble viol in d and the even smaller pardessus de viole in g (often with only five strings) were as well popular instruments in the 18th century, specially in France. Composers like Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Georg Phillipp Telemann and Marin Marais wrote solo- and ensemble pieces for treble or pardessus. Information technology was besides common to play music for violins or flutes or unspecified top parts on small viols.

Celebrated viols survive in relatively great number, though very few remain in original condition. They can often be found in collections of historic musical instruments at museums and universities. Here are some of the extant historic viols at The Metropolitan Museum of Art:

  • Sectionalisation Viol past Barak Norman, London, 1692[13]
  • Bass Viol, labeled Richard Meares, London, ca. 1680[14]
  • Bass Viol by John Rose, ca. 1600, London[xv]
  • English viol, unsigned, 17th century in spectacularly original condition[16]
  • Division Viol, Schoolhouse of Tielke, Hamburg, ca. 1720[17]
  • Bass Viol by Matthias Humel, 18th century, Nuremberg[eighteen]
  • Bass Viol, Frg, 18th century[19]
  • Bass Viol by Nicolas Bertrand, Paris, 1720[20]

Modern era [edit]

In the 20th and early on 21st century, the viol is attracting ever more interest, particularly among amateur players and early music enthusiasts and societies, and in conservatories and music schools. This may be due to the increased availability of reasonably priced instruments from companies using more than automated production techniques, coupled with the greater accessibility of early music editions and historic treatises. The viol is also regarded equally a suitable instrument for adult learners; Percy Scholes wrote that the viol repertoire "belongs to an age that demanded musicianship more often than virtuosity." There are now many societies for people with an involvement in the viol. The first was the Viola da Gamba Society (Uk), which was established in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland in 1948 and has a worldwide membership. The Viola da Gamba Club of America followed in 1962, and with over 1000 members in Due north America and around the world remains the largest organisation dedicated to the instrument. Since then, similar societies accept been organized in several other nations. In the 1970s, the at present-defunct Guitar and Lute Workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii generated resurgent interest in the viol and traditional luthierie methods within the western United States.

A notable youth viol group is the Gateshead Viol Ensemble. It consists of young players between the ages of 7 and 18 and is quite well known in the northeast of England. It gives young people the opportunity to learn the viol and gives concerts in the N E and abroad. Ensembles like these evidence that the viol is making a comeback. A living museum of historical musical instruments was created at the University of Vienna as a center for the revival of the instrument. More than 100 instruments, including approximately 50 historical viola da gambas in playable condition, are the holding of this new concept of a museum: the Orpheon Foundation Museum of Historical Instruments. All the instruments of this museum are played past the Orpheon Baroque Orchestra, the Orpheon consort, or by musicians who receive an instrument for a permanent loan. The instruments tin can be seen during temporary exhibitions.[21] They are studied and copied by violin makers, contributing to the extension of the general noesis nosotros accept on the viola da gamba, its forms, and the different techniques used for its manufacture.

The 1991 feature film Tous les matins du monde (All the Mornings of the World) by Alain Corneau, based on the lives of Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe and Marin Marais, prominently featured these composers' music for the viola da gamba and brought viol music to new audiences. The film's bestselling soundtrack features performances by Jordi Savall, one of the best-known mod viola da gamba players. Amid the foremost modern players of the viol are Alison Crum, Vittorio Ghielmi, Susanne Heinrich, Wieland Kuijken, Paolo Pandolfo, Andrea de Carlo, Hille Perl and Jonathan Dunford. Many fine modern viol consorts (ensembles) are also recording and performing, among them the groups Fretwork, the Rose Consort of Viols, Les Voix Humaines, and Phantasm. The Baltimore Consort specializes in Renaissance song (generally English) with broken espoused (including viols).[22]

New compositions [edit]

A number of gimmicky composers have written for viol, and a number of soloists and ensembles have commissioned new music for viol. Fretwork has been about agile in this regard, commissioning George Benjamin, Michael Nyman, Elvis Costello, Sir John Tavener, Orlando Gough, John Woolrich, Tan Dun, Alexander Goehr, Fabrice Fitch, Andrew Keeling, Thea Musgrave, Sally Beamish, Peter Sculthorpe, Gavin Bryars, Barrington Pheloung, Simon Bainbridge, Duncan Druce, Poul Ruders, Ivan Moody, and Barry Guy; many of these compositions may be heard on their 1997 CD Sit Fast. The Yukimi Kambe Viol Consort has commissioned and recorded many works by David Loeb, and the New York Consort of Viols has commissioned Bülent Arel, David Loeb, Daniel Pinkham, Tison Street, Frank Russo, Seymour Barab, William Presser, and Will Ayton, many of these compositions appearing on their 1993 CD Illicita Cosa.

The Viola da Gamba Society of America has also been a strong forcefulness fostering new compositions for the viol. Among the music publications of the Society is its New Music for Viols (NMV) a series devoted to newly written pieces. More critically, the Order sponsors the Leo M. Traynor Competition for new music for viols. The competition was first held in 1989 and has taken place every 4 to v years since. The contest is specifically for consort music for three to 6 viol that, similar the repertoire of the Renaissance, is accessible to accomplished amateurs.

The Palazzo Strozzi in Florence commissioned composer Bruce Adolphe to create a work based on Bronzino poems, and the piece, "Of Art and Onions: Homage to Bronzino", features a prominent viola da gamba function. Jay Elfenbein has also written works for the Yukimi Kambe Viol Consort, Les Voix Humaines, and Elliot Z. Levine, among others. Other composers for viols include Moondog, Kevin Volans, Roy Whelden, Toyohiko Satoh, Roman Turovsky, Giorgio Pacchioni, Michael Starke, Emily Doolittle, and January Goorissen. Composer Henry Vega has written pieces for the Viol: "Ssolo," developed at the Institute for Sonology and performed past Karin Preslmayr, besides as for Netherlands-based ensemble The Roentgen Connection in 2011 with "Slow slower" for recorder, viola da gamba, harpsichord and computer. The Aston Magna Music Festival has recently commissioned works including viol from composers Nico Muhly and Alex Burtzos.[23] [24] The Italian contemporary composer Carlotta Ferrari has written two pieces for viol: "Le ombre segrete" in 2015,[25] [26] and "Profondissimi affetti" in 2016, this latter being based on RPS modal harmony system.[27] [28]

Electric instruments [edit]

Since the early 1980s, numerous instrument makers, including Eric Jensen, Francois Danger, Jan Goorissen, and Jonathan Wilson, have experimented with the design and construction of electric viols. Like other acoustic instruments to which pickups or microphones have been added, electric viols are plugged into an instrument amplifier or a PA system, which makes them audio louder. Besides, given that amplifiers and PA systems are electronic components, this gives the performer the ability to modify the tone and sound of the instrument by calculation furnishings units such equally reverb or changing the tone with a graphic equalizer. An equalizer tin be used to shape the sound of an electrical viol to suit a performance infinite, or to create unusual new sounds. Electric viols range from Danger's minimally electrified acoustic/electric Altra line to Eric Jensen'due south solid-trunk brace-mounted design. They accept met with varying degrees of ergonomic and musical success. In the early 21st century, the Carmine Gamba, a seven-string electric viola da gamba,[29] was developed by Ruby Instruments of Arnhem, the Netherlands. It has 21 tied nylon (adaptable) frets in keeping with the adjustable (tied gut) frets on traditional viols and has an effective playing range of more than than six octaves. Electric viols have been adopted by such contemporary gambists as Paolo Pandolfo, Tina Chancey, and Tony Overwater.

Similar names and common confusions [edit]

The viola da gamba is occasionally dislocated with the viola, the alto member of the modernistic violin family and a standard member of both the symphony orchestra and string quartet. In the 15th century, the Italian word "viola" was a generic term used to refer to any bowed musical instrument, or fiddle. It is important to note that the give-and-take "viola" existed in Italy before the vihuela, or first viol, was brought from Spain. In Italian republic, "viola" was starting time applied to a braccio precursor to the mod violin, as described past Tinctoris (De inventione et usu musice, c. 1481–3), and then was later used to describe the first Italian viols equally well. Depending on the context, the unmodified viola da braccio well-nigh regularly denoted either an instrument from the violin family, or specifically the viola (whose specific name was "alto de viola da braccio"). When Monteverdi chosen simply for "viole da braccio" in "Orfeo", the composer was requesting violas also as treble and bass instruments. The full name of the viola, namely "alto de viola da braccio", was finally shortened to "viola" in some languages (e.g. English, Italian, Castilian) once viols became less common, while other languages picked another part of the phrase to designate the instrument, e.g. "alto" in French and "Bratsche" in German (the latter derived from the Italian "braccio").

Modern era "viola de gamba" crafted by violinmakers Hans and Nancy Benning of Benning Violins in 1982 in Los Angeles.

Some other instruments have viola in their name, simply are not a member of the viola da gamba family unit. These include the viola d'amore and the viola pomposa. Though the baryton does not have viola in its name, it is sometimes included in the viol family. Whether it is considered a member of this family is a matter of semantics. Information technology is organologically closely related to the viola da gamba proper, just if we think of the family as the group of differently sized instruments that play together in consorts, the baryton would not be among this group.[ citation needed ] The names viola (Italy) and vihuela (Kingdom of spain) were essentially synonymous and interchangeable. According to viol historian Ian Woodfield, there is little evidence that the vihuela de arco was introduced to Italy before the 1490s. The term "viola" was never used exclusively for viols in the 15th or 16th centuries. In 16th century Italia, both "violas",—the early on viols and violins—adult somewhat simultaneously. While violins, such every bit those of Amati, achieved their classic grade earlier the first half of the century, the viol's form standardized later in the century at the hands of instrument makers in England.

Viola da gamba, viola cum arculo, and vihuela de arco are some (truthful) alternative names for viols. Both "vihuela" and "viola" were originally used in a fairly generic way, having included fifty-fifty early violins (viola da braccio) under their umbrella. It is common enough (and justifiable) today for modern players of the viola da gamba to call their instruments violas and likewise to call themselves violists. That the "alto violin" eventually became known only equally the "viola" is not without historical context, however the ambiguity of the proper name tends to cause some defoliation. The violin, or violino, was originally the soprano viola da braccio, or violino da braccio. Due to the popularity of the soprano violin, the entire espoused eventually took on the name "violin family". Some other names for viols include viole or violle (French). In Elizabethan English language, the word "gambo" (for gamba) appears in many permutations; e.m., "viola de gambo", "gambo violl", "viol de gambo", or "viole de gambo", used by such notables as Tobias Hume, John Dowland, and William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night. Viol da Gamba and Gamba also appear as string family stops on the pipe organ. These stops are sounds created past organ pipes made to imitate the audio of the viol da gamba.

Run across likewise [edit]

  • Arpeggione
  • Cello da spalla
  • Lyra viol
  • Category:Viol players

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Viola da gamba denotes a family of instruments distinct from the violin family, or violas da braccio. Currently, the term viola da gamba without qualification generally refers to the bass viol.
  2. ^ The violin and the flute were not considered advisable for ladies; no longer, in the case of the violin, as in the 17th century, because of its popular origins and association with people who made a living playing music, simply because the physical endeavour required to agree the violin a braccio or to play the flute were non considered lady-like
  3. ^ a b The pardessus de viole virtually often has only v strings, but six-cord instruments are not uncommon.
  4. ^ a b c The baroque bass viol has either vi or seven strings.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "viol substantive - Pronunciation | Oxford Avant-garde Learner'south Dictionary at Oxford Learner'southward Dictionaries". . Retrieved 18 Apr 2021.
  2. ^ "Putto belongings a "viole de gambe" in the Musiconis database". . Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  3. ^ Woodfield, Ian; Robinson, Lucy. Viol [viola da gamba, gamba]. In: Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Vol. 19. London, UK: Macmillan Publishers Ltd; 1980;791–808.
  4. ^ a b Otterstedt, Annette. The Viol: History of an Instrument. Kassel: Barenreiter;-Verlag Karl Votterle GmbH & Co; 2002.
  5. ^ a b c d Woodfield, Ian; Brown, Howard Mayer; le Huray, Peter; Stevens, John; eds. The Early on History of the Viol. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1984, p 19.
  6. ^ a b Pio, Stefano (2012). Viol and Lute Makers of Venice 1490 -1630. Venezia, Italy: Venice inquiry. p. 441. ISBN978-88-907252-0-iii.
  7. ^ Rodriguez Alvira, José. "La vihuela y la guitarra en el siglo Xvi". . Retrieved July 18, 2013.
  8. ^ Rault, Christian. "The emergence of new approaches to plucked instruments, 13th – 15th centuries. Michalestein, 2001". . Retrieved July eighteen, 2013. Rault notes that the first mention of the guitarra was in the late-13th- or early-14th-century Latin manuscript Ars Musica past the Spaniard Juan Gil de Zamora
  9. ^ Vasquez, Jose. "The violin (or viola da braccio) and the viola da gamba families: differences and similarities". Archived from the original on May 18, 2013. Retrieved July xviii, 2013.
  10. ^ "Título uniforme [In Apocalipsin] Title Beati in Apocalipsin libri duodecim". BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL HISPÁNICA. Retrieved 10 December 2016.
  11. ^ Pio, pp. 22–51
  12. ^ van der Straeten, Edmund (1933). The History of the Violin: Its Ancestors and Collateral Instruments from Earliest Times. Cassell and company, ltd.
  13. ^ "Segmentation Viol by Barak Norman, London, 1692". 2012-09-21. Retrieved 2012-x-12 .
  14. ^ "Bass Viol, labeled Richard Meares, London, ca. 1680". 2012-09-21. Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  15. ^ "Bass Viol by John Rose, ca. 1600, London". Retrieved 2012-ten-12 .
  16. ^ "English viol, unsigned, 17th century in spectacularly original condition". Retrieved 2012-x-12 .
  17. ^ "Division Viol, School of Tielke, Hamburg, ca. 1720". Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  18. ^ "Bass Viol by Matthias Humel, 18th century, Nuremberg". Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  19. ^ "Bass Viol, Germany, 18th century". 2012-09-21. Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  20. ^ "Bass Viol by Nicolas Bertrand, Paris, 1720". 2012-09-21. Retrieved 2012-10-12 .
  21. ^ "Orpheon Exhibitions Vazquez Collection of Musical Instruments from 1550 to 1780, Viola da gamba, Viola d'amore, Violoncellos, Double Basses". Archived from the original on 2007-12-30. Retrieved 2007-12-27 .
  22. ^ "Elfenbein, Jay". PRB Music.
  23. ^ "Nico Muhly's "Aston Magna" Committee". . Retrieved 2016-01-18 .
  24. ^ "Aston Magna Music Festival » Calendar 2016". . Retrieved 2016-01-eighteen .
  25. ^ "Carlotta Ferrari – Le ombre segrete". . Retrieved 2016-03-14 .
  26. ^ Baur, Ulrike. "Unkonventionelles Konzert mit außergewöhnlichem Klang". (in German language). Retrieved 2016-03-14 .
  27. ^ "Carlotta Ferrari – Profondissimi affetti".
  28. ^ "Restarting Pitch Space | Carson Cooman – Composer". . Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  29. ^ "solid-body 7-string electric viola da gamba". 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2012-10-12 .

Sources [edit]

  • Pio, Stefano (2012). "Viol and Lute Makers of Venice 1490 -1630" Ed. Venice research, Venice Italian republic, ISBN 978-88-907252-0-3.
  • Otterstedt, Annette. The Viol: History of an Instrument. Kassel: Barenreiter;-Verlag Karl Votterle GmbH & Co; 2002. ISBN 3-7618-1152-7.
  • Woodfield, Ian(1984). Brown, Howard Mayer; le Huray, Peter; Stevens, John; eds. The Early History of the Viol. Cambridge, U.k.: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-24292-4.

Further reading [edit]

  • Bryan, John (2005). "In Search of the Earliest Viols: Interpreting the Evidence from a Painting past Lorenzo Costa". The Viola da Gamba Society of Dandy Great britain, Newsletter, no. 131.
  • Crum, Alison, with Sonia Jackson (1992). Play the Viol: The Consummate Guide to Playing the Treble, Tenor and Bass Viol. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-816311-8.
  • Hoffmann, Bettina (2018). The Viola da Gamba. London and New York: Routledge ISBN 9781138240230. Reprinted 2019 ISBN 9780367443757.
  • O'Loghlin, Michael. Frederick the Great and his Musicians: the Viola da Gamba Music of the Berlin School (Routledge, 2017); the famous Prussian king (1712–1786) was a musician and patron of music.
  • Woodfield, Ian; Robinson, Lucy. Viol [viola da gamba, gamba]. In: Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.Vol. 19. London, Britain: Macmillan Publishers Ltd; 1980;791–808.

External links [edit]

  • Viola da Gamba Club of America site
  • Viola da Gamba Society of Not bad Britain site
  • Transcriptions and facsimiles of viol treatises
  • Viola da gamba drove of the Orpheon Foundation
  • the English language partition viol
  • The site on Joachim Tielke, the great Hamburg viol maker
  • Many viol pictures; fingering patterns; argues for human relationship to modernistic guitar
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Viol". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

What Is True Of Viols,


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