
Mass To Mass Stoichiometry Calculator

Finally I am condom! Once I prepare wrong solution, I can blame your programme for that!

Calculate mass of phosphine PH3 evolving when 12g of calcium phosphide Ca3P2 is added to 20g of water.

Enter reagents.

Enter masses.

Ready! Read results.

This is a classic stoichiometry problem - limiting reagent question. Equally in the case of most questions in chemistry, y'all have to start with balancing chemical equation.

Create new reaction, clicking on the New button on the tool bar. Click in one case on the add reactant button and once on the add product button to prepare room for all reagents.

In the upper, input frame, enter formulas of both reactants (CaiiiP2, H2O - you may select water from the programme database if you want) and products (PH3 and Ca(OH)ii - note that you don't need any tricks to correctly display the formulas, just enter letter, digits, and parentheses).

Plan does its part of the work and displays balanced equation and calculated molar masses.

At present it'southward fourth dimension for stoichiometry - enter known amounts of reagents - 12 into mass edit field below edit field with calcium phosphide formula and 20 into edit field below water formula.

EBAS - balancing chemical equation

Ready! Entered corporeality of water is displayed in ruddy, to point it is in backlog. Calcium phosphide is a limiting reagent. Stoichiometric corporeality of phosphine evolved is displayed in the lower, output frame below phosphine formula - and it reads 4.479 g. In fact we have only two significant digits in data, and then it should read 4.5g, but plan is somewhat generous when it comes to displaying digits.

At this moment we tin take a look at the reaction summary - or fifty-fifty print it, merely in instance:

EBAS - balancing chemical equation

However, phosphine is a gas - information technology will be squeamish to know what is its volume. You may utilize ideal gas computer to check information technology.

Mass To Mass Stoichiometry Calculator,


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